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AWS IAM Identity Center

Create the SAML Application

To get started navigate to the Applications tab of the AWS IAM Identity Center console.

Click Add application, then select the I have an application I want to set up option.

For Application Type, click the SAML 2.0 option and then click Next.

Configure the SAML Application

Under Display name, give your application a suitable name.

Similarly, provide a suitable description under Description.

Under IAM Identity Center metadata, copy the IAM Identity Center SAML metadata file and paste it somewhere handy. We will be using this later.

Scroll down to the Application properties section.

Set the Application start URL field to be your app_url parameter in the Terraform deployment.

Scroll down to the Application metadata section.

Set the Application ACS URL field to be first_time_setup_config.saml_sso_acs_url from the deployment outputs.

Set the Application SAML audience field to be first_time_setup_config.saml_sso_entity_id from the deployment outputs.

Click Submit

Configure the SAML Attributes

  • We will need to set up a couple of attribute mappings. Specifically: email, firstname and lastname

Click the Actions menu then select the Edit attribute mappings option.

There should be one entry already for “Subject” for this pre-existing entry set the field Maps to this string value or user attribute in IAM Identity Center to ${user:email}

Add a new attribute mapping.

1. Email Mapping

  • For User attribute in the application, enter:
  • For Maps to this string value or user attribute in IAM Identity Center, enter: ${user:email}
  • For Format select basic

2. Given Name Mapping

  • For User attribute in the application, enter:
  • For Maps to this string value or user attribute in IAM Identity Center, enter: ${user:givenName}
  • For Format select basic

3. Family Name Mapping

  • For User attribute in the application, enter:
  • For Maps to this string value or user attribute in IAM Identity Center, enter: ${user:familyName}
  • For Format select basic

It should look like this: Attribute Mapping Example

Click Save Changes

Setup the SAML SSO provider in your deployment

Copy the SAML metadata URL from AWS IAM Identity Center.

Add the following variables to your Terraform deployment

saml_provider_name = "AWS"
saml_metadata_is_file = false
saml_metadata_source = <The SAML metadata URL>

Now, run a deployment:

Terminal window
terraform apply